Category: Truck Accidents

Some people are not competent to operate a car safely because of cognitive decline, failing eyesight, or other health issues. These unsafe drivers pose a risk to themselves and others on the road. Under Missouri law, immediate family members and certain professionals such as doctors and social workers can report…

Missouri is home to more than 1,100 miles of interstate highways. Large commercial trucks represent a substantial portion of the traffic on interstates. Whenever you share the road with a big rig, it’s important to keep in mind that commercial truck drivers face different driving challenges than automobile drivers and…

Large truck accidents are uniquely devastating events that can disrupt lives and leave physical and emotional scars. After such a terrifying event, it can be hard to regain your bearings and navigate the process of pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses. Commercial truck drivers often have their employer and…

In recent years, auto manufacturers have introduced some groundbreaking safety innovations that have important implications for the commercial trucking industry. Auto manufacturers have agreed to make automatic emergency braking standard equipment on nearly all new cars by September 2022. Automatic emergency braking systems prevent crashes or reduce their severity by…

The new infrastructure bill will fund major road construction projects throughout Indiana and the country. The highway construction activity very likely will lead to more construction zone accidents. In the long run, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) will provide a host of new roadway safety provisions that many predict will…

If you were involved in a truck accident, you may be wondering who will pay for your medical bills and other accident-related losses. If the crash was the result of a commercial truck driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to file a truck accident claim to recover compensation. Indiana has…

The aftermath of any Indiana traffic accident can be overwhelming. Determining who was at fault, who should pay for damages, and how much victims are due can be challenging. The task is more complicated when the accident involves a semi-truck or other commercial vehicles. Collisions involving large commercial trucks often…