The Do’s and Don’ts When Involved in a Truck Accident

Large truck accidents are uniquely devastating events that can disrupt lives and leave physical and emotional scars. After such a terrifying event, it can be hard to regain your bearings and navigate the process of pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses.

Commercial truck drivers often have their employer and their employer’s insurance company and lawyers to defend them. You may only have yourself and the support of family or friends. You need an experienced attorney on your side too.

The Indiana attorneys at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC have been helping people seriously injured in truck accidents for more than 20 years.

In that time, our dedicated truck accident attorneys have helped many clients navigate the challenging process of holding trucking companies accountable and demanding fair compensation for medical bills and other expenses caused by truckers’ negligence.

Based on our experience, we have compiled a list of Dos and Don’ts that may help you understand the semi-truck accident claims process.

The Dos

There are a few simple but important things you should do after a truck accident:

Seek Medical Attention Right Away

Getting medical attention may be the most important tip we can offer. Victims of truck accidents need to seek help immediately. Adrenaline is powerful and can keep you on your feet in the most stressful times. However, it can also mask pain and the signs of serious injuries. If you are not transported to a hospital by ambulance, make an appointment with your medical care provider as soon as possible. Brain injuries, whiplash, and internal bleeding can go unnoticed at first. Getting prompt medical care could end up saving your life.

Truck accident victims also should understand that medical documentation is vital for accident claims. Your medical records show the link between the accident and your injuries and how much compensation you may be due for medical expenses.

Try to Gather Evidence from the Accident Scene

Try to photograph as much of the accident scene as possible. Take pictures of the damage to all vehicles. Try to capture images of skid marks, traffic signs, and your injuries. You will want to make notes about the incident while they are fresh in your mind. Try to write down details of the accident and what you noticed in the moments before the crash.

File a Police Report

If you are involved in a collision with a truck, contact law enforcement immediately. Law enforcement can help control the accident scene to prevent further incidents. They can also prepare a police report about the details of the crash. A police report provides a crucial, third-party perspective about the circumstances of the accident that injured you. Having a police report is critical if you need to file an injury claim later.

Exchange Contact Information with Other People at the Scene

It’s important to exchange information with the other driver or drivers at the scene. If multiple people were involved in the crash, exchange names, driver’s license information, insurance information, and contact details with everyone involved.

If there are witnesses at the scene, ask for their contact information as well. Their accounts may help support your claim for compensation.

The Don’ts

The things you should avoid doing after a truck accident are just as crucial to keep in mind. Certain actions could hurt your right to seek financial compensation. These include:

Don’t Drive Away

You may be shaken to the core after a collision with a truck. The worst thing you can do is leave the scene of the accident. Remain at the location where the accident took place and call the authorities. Leaving the scene will hurt your accident claim and may result in criminal charges.

Don’t Sign Anything

You may be pressured into signing documents after a crash. Don’t do it. The trucking company’s insurer may offer you an initial settlement and ask you to sign a release. A quick settlement offer is likely to be much lower than what you deserve. By signing this document, you may be signing away your right to pursue a lawsuit against the trucking company and the insurer. Never sign documents presented by the trucking company or an insurer without talking to an experienced truck accident attorney.

Don’t Accept an Insurance Company Offerinsurance information form

Insurance companies are for-profit entities. The success of these companies depends on generating a profit and keeping losses to a minimum. This model can translate into offering quick, lowball offers to keep more money in the pockets of the insurers. Never accept a company’s initial settlement offer. Talk to an attorney and let them negotiate on your behalf for the money you deserve.

Don’t Use Social Media During Your Case

Be wary of posting anything on social media while your injury claim is in progress. Never post information or photographs about the accident or your injuries on social media platforms. It is best to avoid posting on social media altogether. Insurers and attorneys may use the information you post to challenge the seriousness of your injuries and undermine your claim.

Let your attorney manage communication between you and the insurer. If temptation is too much for you, you may want to deactivate your social media accounts during the claims process. You can reactivate them when your case has been resolved.

Don’t Miss Your Medical Appointments

We’ve mentioned above how important it is to seek medical attention after an accident. It is equally important to continue getting treatment for your injuries. Do not miss your follow-up appointments. Stick to your doctor’s treatment plan. Medical documentation is crucial to your case. If you miss appointments or deviate from your doctor’s orders, an insurer may claim that your injuries are not as serious as you portray.

Do Contact an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney

Contact an experienced truck accident attorney at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC right away. A skilled Indiana personal injury attorney can help protect your rights and give you the best opportunity to demand full compensation in your truck accident case.

For a free initial consultation, call our office at (800) 746-0226 today or get in touch with us online. You deserve quality legal representation, and our award-winning team of attorneys is ready and willing to help you.


Since 1999 the Indianapolis legal team at Craig, Kelley & Faultless, LLC have been dedicated to helping individuals and their families who have been injured or have lost a loved one as the result of someone’s carelessness. The firm was founded by three attorneys, David Craig, William ‘BJ’ Kelley II and Scott Faultless, since then they have added attorneys and legal professionals to the team and opened four additional office locations to better serve their clients.