
It’s no secret that Americans are becoming more and more attached to their cell phones. We take them everywhere, check them when we wake in the middle of the night and train ourselves to react immediately to new message alerts. Many drivers cannot even bring themselves to detach from their…

Some people are not competent to operate a car safely because of cognitive decline, failing eyesight, or other health issues. These unsafe drivers pose a risk to themselves and others on the road. Under Missouri law, immediate family members and certain professionals such as doctors and social workers can report…

Missouri is home to more than 1,100 miles of interstate highways. Large commercial trucks represent a substantial portion of the traffic on interstates. Whenever you share the road with a big rig, it’s important to keep in mind that commercial truck drivers face different driving challenges than automobile drivers and…

Did you lose a loved one in an unexpected and preventable accident, or due to someone else’s wrongful act? If so, you or other surviving family members may be entitled to seek accountability through a wrongful death lawsuit. The sudden loss of someone you care about can be especially difficult….

Large truck accidents are uniquely devastating events that can disrupt lives and leave physical and emotional scars. After such a terrifying event, it can be hard to regain your bearings and navigate the process of pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses. Commercial truck drivers often have their employer and…

In recent years, auto manufacturers have introduced some groundbreaking safety innovations that have important implications for the commercial trucking industry. Auto manufacturers have agreed to make automatic emergency braking standard equipment on nearly all new cars by September 2022. Automatic emergency braking systems prevent crashes or reduce their severity by…

Nothing is quite as shocking as the accidental death of a spouse, child, or parent. When the accident is caused by a person’s or organization’s negligence, recklessness, or criminal intent, the wound of the unnecessary and unjust loss cuts deeper. At Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC, we have seen firsthand…

The vast majority of attorneys are honest, hardworking professionals who take their professional commitment to their clients seriously. But some lawyers choose to sell cases short to make a quick fee. Whether the attorney fails to devote enough time and effort to develop a case or encourages the client to…