Dump Truck Accident Lawyers in St. Louis

Truck lies in a ditch after an accident

The weight and power of dump trucks make them valuable for many construction, demolition, and similar projects in St. Louis. But when they’re involved in accidents, their size and design can lead to disastrous consequences for other road users.

Drivers injured in dump truck accidents in St. Louis frequently sustain horrific injuries, see their bank accounts drained by medical bills, and experience profound emotional distress.

If you’re injured in a dump truck accident in St. Louis, it’s crucial to have a reliable legal ally to lean on. The attorneys at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC have a proven track record of supporting truck accident victims. We aim to ease your burden with our in-depth understanding of local laws and unwavering commitment to our clients. Together, we will strive for the best possible outcome in your truck accident case.

Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation with our experienced truck accident lawyers.

What Makes Dump Trucks Dangerous in Crashes? 

Even by the standards of commercial truck accidents, dump truck crashes are particularly dangerous. Some of the reasons why include: 

  • Immense Size and Weight – Dump trucks often weigh several times more than a typical passenger vehicle, magnifying the impact of any collision.
  • Higher Ground Clearance – Their elevated design can lead to smaller vehicles becoming trapped or crushed underneath during an accident.
  • Longer Stopping Distance – Due to their weight, dump trucks require more distance to come to a complete stop, increasing the risk of collisions.
  • Unsecured Loads – If a dump truck’s cargo is not properly secured, it can spill onto the roadway, creating hazards for other vehicles.
  • Tip-Over Risk – The tall and narrow structure of some dump trucks can make them prone to tipping over, especially when they’re transporting heavy loads.
  • Hazardous Materials – Occasionally, dump trucks transport potentially harmful materials that, if spilled, pose a risk to the environment and nearby drivers.

How Common Are Dump Truck Accidents in St. Louis? 

While city-specific data on dump truck crashes in Missouri is not available, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports there were 388 dump truck accidents statewide in one recent year. That total includes eight fatal collisions. Given that 16,212 crashes involving commercial vehicles occurred that year, that means about 2 percent of commercial vehicle crashes that year involved dump trucks.

Causes and Types of Dump Truck Accidents

While dump trucks are an essential part of many construction and transportation operations, they come with their unique set of risks. Some common types and causes of collisions involving dump trucks in St. Louis include: 

  • Rear-End Collisions – Due to their longer stopping distances, large trucks might hit vehicles from behind, especially if traffic suddenly halts.
  • Blind Spot Accidents – The substantial blind spots on dump trucks can lead truck drivers to merge or change lanes without seeing a smaller vehicle nearby.
  • Rollovers – Uneven loads, sharp turns, or uneven terrain can cause a dump truck to tip over, especially when loaded to capacity.
  • Load Spills – Unsecured or improperly loaded cargo can spill onto the roadway, leading to multiple vehicle accidents.
  • Underride Accidents – Smaller vehicles might slide under a dump truck during a crash because of its high ground clearance.
  • Brake Failures – Wear and tear or inadequate maintenance can lead to brake malfunctions, making it impossible to stop the truck in time.
  • Wide-Turn Accidents – Due to their size, dump trucks often need extra space to make turns, sometimes leading to collisions with other vehicles.
  • Head-On Collisions – Distractions, fatigue, impairment, or poor judgment can cause a dump truck driver to drift into oncoming traffic.
  • Tire Blowouts – Heavy loads and constant use can stress a dump truck’s tires, leading to sudden blowouts that result in loss of control.

Severe Injuries from St. Louis Dump Truck Accidents

Since dump trucks weigh significantly more than passenger vehicles, they often cause catastrophic injuries in crashes. Some common injuries from St. Louis dump truck accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis
  • Injuries to the head or face
  • Crush injuries
  • Severed or amputated limbs
  • Bone fractures
  • Internal bleeding
  • Injuries to internal organs
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Psychological trauma

Who’s Liable for a Dump Truck Accident? 

Depending on how the crash occurred, the liable parties may include:

  • Dump Truck Driver – If the driver was negligent, distracted, or under the influence, they could be liable for the accident.
  • Truck Owner or Leasing Company – Trucking companies might be liable if the accident resulted from poor maintenance or if they knowingly allowed an unsafe truck on the road. If the truck driver was an employee (not an independent contractor), the employer could be vicariously liable for the driver’s negligence.
  • Construction or Loading Company – If the truck’s cargo was improperly loaded or secured, the company responsible for that task might be accountable for the crash.
  • Truck Manufacturer – If a manufacturing defect led to the accident, the company that produced the truck or its faulty parts may be liable.
  • Third-Party Vehicle Drivers – Other drivers on the road might be liable for a dump truck crash if their actions (reckless driving, failing to signal, etc.) contributed to the accident.
  • Municipal or State Agencies – If the accident resulted from poor road conditions, like potholes or inadequate signage, the responsible government body could be liable.

Potential Compensation for Victims of Dump Truck Accidents

Because each personal injury claim is unique, we can’t tell you how much your case could be worth until we investigate more closely. However, drivers and passengers injured in dump truck crashes can demand compensation for many of the losses they incur because of an accident someone else caused, including: 

  • Lost wages
  • Reduced future earnings
  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Damaged personal property

How Our St. Louis Dump Truck Crash Lawyers Can Help

You have the right to compensation after a dump truck accident that wasn’t your fault, but the battle to win your case is long and complicated. Our St. Louis dump truck collision attorneys can help you maximize your compensation by:

  • Thoroughly investigating the crash to gather evidence and identify the liable parties
  • Using your medical records and other evidence to fully document your injuries and financial losses
  • Dealing with the insurance companies and negotiating for a fair settlement
  • Representing you in court, if necessary
  • Providing emotional support and clear communication throughout your case
  • Answering any questions you have

Contact Our St. Louis Dump Truck Accident Attorneys Today

With a skilled truck accident attorney from Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC by your side, you can focus on your recovery while we focus on securing full and fair compensation for your injuries. 

Call us today or reach out online for a free case review.