Filing a Complaint and Initiating Litigation in a Truck Accident Case

Truck crashes into a car

Accidents involving semi-trucks and other large commercial vehicles are some of the most catastrophic and frightening for the people involved. Truck accident victims should not be left to cope with the physical, emotional, and financial repercussions of an accident alone, going head-to-head with the aggressive tactics of the trucking company, their insurers, and lawyers.

Our truck accident attorneys are ready to help. At Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC, our experienced truck accident attorneys know how to protect vulnerable truck accident victims and help them recover the compensation they deserve. In some situations, litigation is the best way to pursue maximum compensation. However, legal action against a trucking company can be difficult and complex. Many trucking companies and insurers attempt to shield themselves from liability by employing aggressive and manipulative tactics to avoid paying what they should for an accident claim.

How do you file a complaint and start litigation against a trucking company or insurer after an accident involving a careless truck driver? Let the knowledgeable team at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC help. We can review your situation and advise you about your best legal options. 

Contact our Indiana truck accident attorneys today for a free consultation.

What You Need to Know Before Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit

What do you need to know before filing a truck accident lawsuit? First, you must recognize that it can be challenging to recover maximum compensation from a trucking company and its insurer. These entities employ numerous tactics to shield them from liability, deflect responsibility onto others, and make it extremely challenging to gather the evidence it takes to hold them accountable. 

Furthermore, recovering compensation following a truck accident differs from other accident types. For example, truck accident cases often involve more complex evidence. The truck’s black box data, trucking company safety records, the truck’s cargo manifest, and other essential information are in the trucking company’s possession. Getting them to turn over this evidence often requires immediate and aggressive legal representation. 

You should also know you have a time limit for filing a personal injury lawsuit after a truck accident. Indiana generally gives accident victims two years from the accident date to file a lawsuit seeking compensation. If you miss the deadline, the court will most likely dismiss your case, and you lose your right to seek compensation in civil court. 

Essential Components for Filing a Complaint After an Accident 

You must be able to establish specific essential components to file a complaint after an accident involving a careless semi-truck driver. First, all motorists owe one another a duty of care. That means drivers must take all reasonable measures to protect themselves and others on roadways. To build a compelling case, you must show that a semi-truck driver or another responsible party violated this duty, and their careless actions resulted in the accident that harmed you.

Another essential component is proving that you suffered injuries because of the accident and the careless behavior of the other driver. Proving you were hurt sounds easy to establish, but without medical evidence, proving the severity of your injuries and that they were caused by the accident can be challenging. You should seek medical treatment as soon as possible after a truck accident and follow your doctor’s treatment plan. 

Finally, you must also prove that you suffered losses because of your injuries from the truck accident. These losses could include medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more.

Starting Litigation After a Truck Collision

Starting litigation after a truck crash can feel overwhelming. First and foremost, you need the help only an experienced Indiana litigator can provide. Our attorneys can help you navigate the ins and outs of filing a personal injury lawsuit following a truck accident. We can review your situation and establish whether litigation is your best option for pursuing maximum compensation for your losses.

Next, our attorneys can thoroughly investigate the cause of the crash while collecting and preserving evidence vital to your case. We will also take the time to accurately calculate the total value of your claim and establish your financial losses. 

In many cases, aggressive negotiation with the trucking company’s insurer is enough to secure the money you need. However, litigation may be the best course of action when negotiations break down, or the insurer fails to negotiate in good faith. In that situation, our attorneys will be prepared to file a personal injury lawsuit against all liable parties.

Documentation and Evidence in Truck Accident Litigation

Recovering the money you need after a truck collision includes documentation and evidence. Working with our experienced Indiana truck accident lawyers following a commercial truck collision is crucial because some documentation and evidence may be accessible only through legal intervention. 

Black box data, safety inspections, driver history, cargo manifests, hours of service logs, and other evidence are in the trucking company’s possession. Legal action is often required to compel the company to preserve critical information and turn it over to the accident victim. With years of experience, our attorneys know what types of evidence to look for and the necessary legal measures to obtain it from the trucking company and others involved in the crash.

How Our Attorneys Can Help in Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit

How can an attorney help you file a truck accident lawsuit? Filing a personal injury lawsuit can be a complicated process. At Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC, we do all the heavy lifting, leaving you free to focus on healing from your injuries. 

We can evaluate your claim and develop a solid strategy for pursuing all the compensation you deserve. If litigation becomes the best avenue to pursue maximum compensation, we can help you navigate the legal process from discovery to negotiating for a fair settlement. We aren’t afraid to take your case to court if out-of-court settlement negotiations fail to produce results. 

Talk to Our Indiana Commercial Vehicle Accident Attorneys Now 

Were you injured in a commercial vehicle accident? The legal team at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC is ready to fight for you. We are committed to pursuing maximum compensation for individuals harmed in truck crashes.  

Reach out to our Indiana office today to request a free case evaluation.