Indianapolis Amputation Injury Attorney

nurse bandaging a patient's knee

If you suffered an amputation injury due to someone else’s negligence, knowing your legal rights and options is crucial. An amputation injury does not have to define your future, but you’ll be better prepared for the road ahead with the money you could get from a personal injury claim.

At Craig, Kelley & Faultless, we’ll stand by your side through these challenging times. Our dedicated Indianapolis amputation attorneys have a strong track record of protecting the rights of injury victims. We know the physical, emotional, and financial toll an amputation injury can take. That’s why we commit ourselves to helping you secure fair compensation for what you’ve lost.

Let us handle the legal details of your amputation injury case while you focus on your recovery. Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation.

How an Amputation Can Affect Your Life

It’s essential to account for both the short-term and long-term effects of an amputation injury in Indianapolis amputation injury claims. This ensures that any compensation for amputation injuries covers the entire scope of how your life has changed. Here are some of the most common effects that we see in Indianapolis amputation cases:

Short-Term Effects of Amputation

  • Medical Treatment Expenses – Initial hospital stays, surgery costs, and immediate post-operative care can quickly add up, placing a significant financial strain on you and your family.
  • Rehabilitation Needs – Early stages of physical therapy are crucial for recovery, requiring time, effort, and resources to adapt to life after amputation.
  • Pain and Discomfort – Managing pain, both from the surgery and phantom limb sensations, is a common challenge that needs both immediate and ongoing attention.
  • Emotional Impact – The sudden change in physical ability can lead to feelings of grief, anger, and frustration. Counseling sessions with mental health professionals can help you adjust to how your body has changed.
  • Adapting to Daily Life – Learning to navigate daily activities with a new set of challenges requires time, patience, and, potentially, modifications to your living space.

Long-Term Effects of Amputation

  • Prosthetic Costs and Maintenance – Over a lifetime, the need for prosthetic fitting, replacements, and adjustments can become a considerable expense.
  • Long-Term Healthcare – Ongoing physical therapy, pain management, and treatment for complications like infections or skin issues are critical for maintaining your health after an amputation injury.
  • Employment and Earning Capacity – An amputation may limit your ability to work, affecting your career trajectory and potential earning power.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments – Adapting to long-term mobility issues may require significant changes to your home, mode of transportation, and leisure activities.
  • Psychological Well-Being – The enduring impact of an amputation injury on your mental health, including the potential for depression, anxiety, and changes in self-esteem, requires continuous support.

Why Do I Need to Hire an Indianapolis Amputation Injury Lawyer?

Trying to manage an amputation injury claim on your own is hard and can seem overwhelming. When you team up with Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC, you gain a team of allies who know the terrain. We understand the legal system and how to steer your case toward the best possible outcome. Our team has the skills to accurately assess your claim’s value to make sure it encompasses every aspect of the changes in your life.

Without help from an attorney who has experience providing legal assistance for amputees, you might find yourself at a disadvantage, especially when dealing with insurance companies. Insurers will do everything they can to minimize the value of your claim, and without a seasoned advocate, you risk settling for less than your claim’s full value. This could leave you facing out-of-pocket expenses for medical bills, rehabilitation, and other unforeseen costs down the line.

When you hire an Indianapolis amputation lawyer, you can focus on your recovery, knowing that your case is in capable hands.

What Are Some of the Causes of Traumatic Amputation?

You might wonder why the cause of your injury matters in an amputation injury claim. Here’s the reason it matters: Knowing how the injury occurred can help you identify the liable party or parties, which is crucial in a personal injury case.

Some of the common causes of traumatic amputations in Indianapolis include the following:

  • Vehicle Accidents – High-impact crashes involving cars, motorcycles, or trucks can result in catastrophic injuries, sometimes leading to amputation.
  • Workplace Incidents – Heavy machinery and hazardous conditions at industrial and construction sites often result in severe limb injuries.
  • Agricultural Accidents – Farm equipment, such as combines and threshers, pose significant risks, often leading to traumatic injuries requiring amputation.
  • Electrocution – High-voltage electric shocks can cause severe tissue damage, sometimes necessitating the amputation of affected limbs.
  • Firearms and Fireworks – Accidents involving guns and fireworks can cause extreme damage to limbs, sometimes harming them beyond repair.
  • Medical Malpractice – In some cases, surgical errors or severe infections may lead to the medical necessity for amputation.

Compensation for Amputation Injuries in Indianapolis

Determining the potential compensation for amputation injuries is impossible until an attorney investigates your case. But working with a skilled lawyer can help you recover compensation for the many losses an amputation injury can cause, such as:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Rehabilitation Costs
  • Prosthetic Costs
  • Home and Vehicle Modifications
  • Lost Wages
  • Loss of Earning Capacity
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Loss of Affection from a Spouse or Partner
  • Long-Term Care

How Hiring a Traumatic Amputation Attorney Could Help Your Case

When you choose Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC to handle your amputation claims, you get an experienced and dedicated team committed to your cause. We start by conducting a thorough investigation into the accident to gather all necessary evidence, which helps us understand every detail of your case.

Our experience in negotiating with insurance companies means we’re adept at countering lowball offers as we strive to secure the compensation you deserve. We can also bring in medical experts and financial analysts to accurately assess the full impact of your injury, including future medical needs and potential earnings loss. If your case goes to court, rest assured that our skilled litigators are ready to fight vigorously on your behalf.

Throughout this journey, we’ll keep you informed and involved, offering peace of mind that your case is in capable hands. With our personal injury attorneys by your side, you can focus on your recovery while we handle the complexities of your case.

Talk to Our Indianapolis Amputation Injury Attorneys Now

The team at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC is ready to listen to your story and discuss how we can protect your legal rights in a personal injury lawsuit. Call us today or reach out online for a free case evaluation with an Indianapolis amputation injury attorney.