How much should I ask for in a personal injury settlement?

When you have been hurt in an accident caused by negligence, the other party’s insurer may offer you a quick settlement to resolve your case. Determining whether the insurance company’s offer is fair can be challenging for someone without experience handling injury claims. This is especially true if you are unsure about your ongoing needs for medical treatment, rehabilitation, or other requirements related to the injury. An experienced personal injury lawyer will have an informed perspective on whether a settlement offer is reasonable and can offer helpful guidance.

Your lawyer will submit a demand letter to the insurer that requests fair compensation before you will release an at-fault party from liability. In so doing, consider the expenses you have already paid, as well any other injury-related costs you expect to incur in the future.

Along with your medical bills and property damage, your attorney will calculate lost wages and the cost of any medical devices or prescription medication. You can also seek compensation for other kinds of damages that cannot necessarily be quantified in a traditional manner, such as pain and suffering.

Your lawyer will consider the strength of your case, including the evidence and the likelihood that your story could earn the sympathy of a jury if the case gets that far. The insurer may accept your demand and move forward with a settlement, make a counteroffer or series of counteroffers, or simply deny your claim.